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The origin of Kettlebell

  The Kettlebell has a history of more than 300 years. This kind of fitness equipment with a shape similar to a shell was created by Russian Hercules in the early 18th century. It is designed to quickly enhance the muscle strength, endurance, balance and flexibility of the body. In order to understand how much benefits can be brought to the body by the aerobic fitness method of Kettlebell and how many calories can be burned by each exercise, researchers at the University of Wisconsin in the United States recruited 10 adults aged between 29 and 46, Let them pull and wave the kettle bell according to a certain rhythm.

  The duration of each exercise is 20 minutes. Before and during the test, the fitness level of these subjects was tested, including heart rate, oxygen consumption and blood lactate level. The results showed that during the strong bell exercise, each subject burned an average of 20 kcal per minute, which is equivalent to that 20 minutes of exercise can burn 400 kcal.

  Researchers point out that for those who seek resistance training to lose weight, this is a blessing. At the same time, for those who lack exercise time, Kettlebell is the most time-saving and effective fitness method tailored for them. In other words, the Kettlebell is suitable for anyone.

  Kettlebell is of great help to all kinds of people!

Post time: Aug-08-2022